Friday 23 June 2017

Potential ideas feedback

Whilst presenting our potential ideas to our peers, we requested that they filled out the positives and the negatives of our ideas so that we knew what to keep and what we possibly needed to alter within our plan.
From our feedback, we learnt that our strong points were a clear link to our chosen genre (the indie genre) and a clear link between the narrative and our songs. This was extremely positive as I feel that these are two of the main factors that we were striving to achieve.
The only negative feedback that myself and my partner received is that we hadn't yet included reference to theorists within our potential ideas (the theorists have now been added).
The overwhelming feedback from our peers is that we should choose our first idea for our music video (Liability by Lorde), based on this feedback, I feel that we are extremely likely to go with this song.

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Evaluation question four