Wednesday 13 December 2017

Creating our magazine cover

Today we completed the majority of our magazine advert, we still need to add embellishments such as the QR code that will bring you to our music video, and information on where you can listen to/download the album.
We chose to add more images to our digipak front cover design, as when receiving feedback, our peers told us that they would like to see the same design for both products. We were reluctant to use the exact same as we felt it showed less creativity, therefore, we chose to compromise by adapting/enhancing our design before using it for our magazine cover.
We're extremely happy with our magazine advert as we feel that we've managed to represent Lorde as an artist (by using her typical font and replicating the background of one of her music adverts) whilst incorporating our own creative ideas by taking original photographs and creating an amalgamation of pictures in order to portray our chosen theme of differing personalities. 

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