Shot 1: Overhead shot of our protagonist playing the piano (3 seconds)
Shot 2: Close up shot of protagonist's hands (6 seconds) - this shot type has been changed from the original shot type (an establishing shot) on our shooting script as myself and Keeley decided it looked better.
Shot 3: Close up shot of protagonist in the back of a car (4 seconds)
Shot 4: Mid-shot of protagonist wiping her tears (4 seconds)
Shot 5: Extreme close up of protagonist's mouth taking a sip of alcohol (3 seconds)
Shot 6: Wide shot of protagonist getting out of taxi (3 seconds)
Shot 7: tracking shot following protagonist walking down the street (4 seconds)
Shot 8: Mid shot of protagonist sitting on a wall. (5 seconds)
Shot 9: Tracking shot following protagonist walking down the street. (6 seconds)
Shot 10: Over the shoulder shot of protagonist's friend coming down the street (2 seconds)
(unfortunately, the friend is absent from the photograph).
Shot 11: Reaction shot showing the protagonist's reaction (2 seconds)
Shot 12: Wide shot of protagonist and her friend talking (4 seconds)
Shot 13: Close up of protagonist's friend shaking her head and displaying an unsure facial expression. (2 seconds)
Shot 14: POV shot showing protagonist's friend walking away from her point of view. (3 seconds)
Shot 15: Reaction shot showing our protagonist's facial expression (2 seconds)
Shot 16: Tracking shot following our protagonist as she walks away (6 seconds)
Shot 17: Tracking shot following our protagonist running. (4 seconds)
Shot 18: Close up of protagonist's feet running against the ground. (2 seconds)
Shot 19: Tracking shot following protagonist running (3 seconds)
Shot 20: Wide shot of protagonist arriving home and bursting through her door (3 seconds)
Shot 21: Low angle of protagonist running upstairs (4 seconds)
Shot 22: Wide shot of protagonist slamming her door (2 seconds)
Shot 23: Mid shot of protagonist looking at her phone after hearing a text (2 seconds)
Shot 24: Close up of a message displayed on protagonist's phone (3 seconds)
Shot 25: Close up of protagonist slamming her phone down on the bed (2 seconds)
Shot 26: High angle of protagonist getting a photo album and some photos out from under her bed. (3 seconds)
Shot 27: Close up of protagonist burning the photos. (5 seconds)
Shot 28: Shot/reverse shot, showing the ripped photos on the bed and then showing the protagonist's facial expression (4 seconds)
Shot 29: Reaction shot showing the protagonist's facial expression (3 seconds)
Shot 30: Close up of protagonist's hand picking up a strip of pills (2 seconds)
Shot 31: Extreme close up of protagonist putting the pills into her mouth (3 seconds)
Shot 32: Wide shot of protagonist falling onto her bed (4 seconds)
Shot 33: Extreme close up of protagonist's eyes closing (2 seconds)
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