The narrative within this music video includes 3 key characters; an attractive, popular boy, a geeky, seemingly unpopular girl, and finally, an attractive, popular girl. Some of the character types theorised by Propp can be seen within these characters, as I will demonstrate below:
Number one: the young boy within the music video can be described as the princess, he is the object of desire that the blonde, "geeky" girl is lusting after.
Number two: This character can be described as both the hero and the dispatcher; Propp defined "the hero" as "the one who seeks something", this is demonstrated by showing her desire for the young boy. This character is also the dispatcher as she is the one who sends herself on the quest for the young boy's affection throughout the narrative.
Number three: This character is the one who prevents the "geeky" girl from gaining the boy's affection; she is his girlfriend, therefore, this character would be defined as the villain. This character is later seen throughout the video cheating on the previously mentioned boy; again demonstrating her villainous qualities.
In conclusion, four of Propp's supposed character types can be found throughout this music video narrative, this partly conforms to Propp's theory, however, no reference to "the doner", "the false hero", "the helper", or "the father" can be found throughout this narrative, thus contradicting Propp's theory.
Propp's theory has influenced my product decision, as I am currently planning on including a narrative throughout my music video, I am definitely planning on including some of Propp's character types as I feel that they will help to create an interesting and creative story. I am not planning to fully conform to Propp's theory by using all eight character types, however, I feel that the use of certain characters such as "the hero" will allow me to create an interesting plot.
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