Thursday 16 November 2017

First draft: digipak

 Potential digipak; our front cover plays on our first magazine cover idea, we decided that we could build on our magazine cover by adding four extra sections and altering the shape of the segments. This way, we are linking both the magazine cover and our digipak together. The front cover of our digipak, like our magazine cover, also represents multiple personalities and identity crisis (linking to our music video), however, we decided to portray this message in a more manic/hectic way by adding further segments of facial features with the aim to display our theme.
Our digipak aims to show a girl (the actress in our music video) getting closer and closer to the camera in each shot, so as you unfold the digipak, the girl appears to get closer to the audience; this creates a sort of manic effect which perfectly ties in to our quirk theme of multiple personalities. The girl on our digipak will be captured wearing different makeup and clothes in order to demonstrate the theme of multiple personalities. We have also considered purchasing a wig and different coloured contact lenses in order to really show the difference between the different shots of the girl on our digipak as this will reiterate our theme on a higher level. If the lenses and the wig are not available, we will use photoshop in order to create the effect that the girl's hair/eyes are different colours.

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