Thursday 2 November 2017

Editing update

We are extremely pleased with our feedback as it has alerted us to some needed changes within our product, this has allowed us to make alterations within our video today, we have fine tuned our video to the beat of our song today and we feel that it really flows with flare and professionalism.

The key changes... the introduction of our product.

initially, our product commenced with a split screen panning across three sets of eyes. All three sets appeared to the viewer all at once, however, we believed that we could really take advantage of the quick beat within the song by introducing each set separately and in time to the music. This way, the viewer is engaged and gripped from the outset, as once the viewer sees just a strip of footage across a full screen, they'll naturally be wondering what will follow.

We also believed that it was important for the lyrics of our song to resemble the content of our music video; relating to Andrew Goodwin's audience theory. Therefore, we reversed this shot of wine being poured and timed it with the line "all the broken glass sparkling".
By relating the lyrics of the song to our video, we are also creating another opportunity for the viewer to engage with our video, as they will subliminally pick up on the link which will aid their viewing enjoyment.

Shortening down scenes such as gossip girl scene...

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Evaluation question four