Saturday 24 June 2017

Final song choice

For our final song choice, we have chosen to use Lorde's "liability". We feel that there will be many opportunities to be creative with this song, the lyrics are meaningful and profound, meaning that we can deliver a clear, intense message to our audience. We plan to create an effective narrative based on the lyrics, our video will be edited with a black and white filter at a later stage in order to highlight the sombre nature of the song.
This was also the most popular song choice amongst our peers when we presented our potential ideas pitch, which gave us further assurance that it was the right song to choose.

The length of the song may present some challenges, due to it being a relatively short song with a time of 2 minutes and 54 seconds. The difficulty that could be raised by the length of the song is the issue of including all of our desired content within a relatively small length of time. We will however attempt to combat this issue by filming all of our footage at an early stage so that we have plenty of time to play around with our product and edit our footage to ensure that it effectively fits the length of the song.
Our main target audience for our music video is teenagers who are attracted to the indie genre; we will ensure that this video appeals to our audience by touching on issues throughout the video that are often faced by teenagers (breakups, the growing pressure to drink alcohol and smoke etc). By touching on these issues, it will mean that teenagers will be able to relate to our product; thus increasing it's appeal. We will ensure that it appeals to fans of the indie genre by creating a music video to reflect the conventions of the genre, we will do this by including low-key lighting and a hard-hitting narrative.

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